Funny Facts about love from around the world

Love is a universal emotion, but it can also be a source of cultural diversity and fascination. Here are some facts about love from around the world that might surprise, delight, or even shock you.

1. In Japan, Valentine's Day is celebrated by women giving chocolates to men, not the other way around. There are different types of chocolates for different types of relationships, such as giri-choco (obligation chocolate) for coworkers or friends, honmei-choco (true feelings chocolate) for lovers, and tomo-choco (friendship chocolate) for female friends. A month later, on March 14th, men are expected to return the favor by giving gifts to the women who gave them chocolates. This day is called White Day.

2. In France, there is a tradition called une loterie d'amour (a love lottery) that dates back to the Middle Ages. On this day, single men and women of all ages would gather in houses facing each other and take turns calling out their names until they found a match. If a man didn't like his partner, he could simply leave her for another one. The women who were left unmatched would gather around a bonfire and burn the pictures of the men who rejected them, while hurling insults and curses at them. The event was eventually banned by the French government for being too rowdy and disorderly.

3. In South Korea, there is a special day for singles called Black Day. It falls on April 14th, one month after White Day. On this day, people who did not receive any gifts on Valentine's Day or White Day dress in black and eat jajangmyeon (noodles with black bean sauce) to commiserate their loneliness. Some also watch sad movies or listen to sad songs to wallow in their misery.

4. In India, there is a festival called Karva Chauth that celebrates the love and devotion of married women for their husbands. On this day, which falls on the fourth day of the waning moon in the Hindu month of Kartik (usually in October or November), married women fast from sunrise to moonrise and pray for the health and longevity of their husbands. They also dress in their finest clothes and jewelry and apply henna on their hands. When the moon rises, they look at it through a sieve and then at their husbands, who then offer them water and sweets to break their fast.

5. In Wales, there is a unique way of expressing love called carving a lovespoon. A lovespoon is a wooden spoon decorated with various symbols and patterns that convey different meanings, such as hearts for love, horseshoes for luck, keys for security, bells for marriage, and so on. The tradition dates back to the 17th century, when young men would carve lovespoons for their sweethearts as a token of their affection and intention to marry. Today, lovespoons are still given as gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and other occasions.

6. In China, there is a legend that explains the origin of love and marriage. According to the legend, every person has a red string tied to their pinky finger that connects them to their soulmate. The string can stretch or tangle, but it can never break. The string is invisible to most people, but some can see it or feel it. The legend also says that an old man in the moon, called Yue Lao, is the one who ties the strings and decides who will be with whom.

7. In Brazil, there is a tradition called simpatias (sympathies) that involves performing various rituals and spells to attract or keep a lover. Some examples of simpatias are writing the name of your crush on a piece of paper and putting it under your pillow, burying a picture of your lover in a pot of basil and watering it every day, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve to attract passion, or throwing roses into the sea on June 12th (the Brazilian Valentine's Day) to honor Saint Anthony, the patron saint of love.

8. In Sweden, there is a custom called gå på kafferep (going for coffee) that involves inviting friends over for coffee and cake. The cake is usually a seven-layer cake called prinsesstårta (princess cake), which is covered with green marzipan and decorated with a pink rose. The coffee is served in small cups with saucers and spoons, and the guests are expected to drink at least three cups each. The conversation is usually light and cheerful, and the hostess may also entertain her guests with some music or games.

9. In Morocco, there is a festival called Imilchil Moussem (Imilchil Wedding Festival) that takes place every year in September in the Atlas Mountains. The festival is a celebration of love and marriage that commemorates a tragic legend of two star-crossed lovers from rival tribes who died of grief when their families forbade them to marry. Their tears formed two lakes, called Isli (the groom) and Tislit (the bride), near the village of Imilchil. The festival is an opportunity for young men and women from different tribes to meet and choose their partners. They wear colorful costumes and jewelry and exchange rings and vows in front of a local judge.

10. In Australia, there is a phenomenon called pashing that refers to kissing someone passionately in public. Pashing can happen anywhere and anytime, such as in a park, on a beach, in a club, or on a train. Pashing is considered a normal and harmless way of expressing affection and attraction, and it is not frowned upon by most people. However, some may find it rude or inappropriate, especially if it involves too much noise or saliva. 












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