Some humor mistakes to avoid on your first date with your crush

Tip #1: Avoid too much sarcasm. I know, I know, sarcasm is the spice of life, and it can be a great way to show your wit and humor. But trust me, on your first date, you don't want to sound like a bitter cynic who hates everything and everyone. Especially not the `hard` kind of sarcasm, where you say the opposite of what you mean in a mean way. For example, don't say things like "Wow, you're so smart, you must have graduated from Harvard with honors." or "You're so funny, you should be a comedian." or "You're so handsome, I bet all the girls are after you." That's just rude and insulting, and it will make your date think that you don't like them at all. So, tone down the sarcasm and be more sincere and genuine.

Tip #2: Avoid jokes about his family and friends. This one is pretty obvious, but some people still make this mistake. You don't know his family and friends well enough to make jokes about them, and even if you do, it's not polite or respectful. You might think that you're being funny and playful, but you're actually being rude and insensitive. For example, don't say things like "Your mom is so fat, she needs two seats on the plane." or "Your dad is so bald, he shines like a light bulb." or "Your sister is so ugly, she scares away the birds." That's just mean and hurtful, and it will make your date feel bad about themselves and their loved ones. So, avoid making jokes about his family and friends and focus on getting to know them better.

Tip #3: Avoid going too far with your jokes. Even if he laughs at your jokes, that doesn't mean that he likes everything you say. Sometimes people laugh out of politeness or nervousness, not because they find something funny. So, be careful not to cross the line with your jokes and offend him or make him uncomfortable. For example, don't say things like "You're so cute, I want to take you home and cuddle with you." or "You're so hot, I want to rip off your clothes and have my way with you." or "You're so sweet, I want to lick you all over." That's just creepy and inappropriate, and it will make your date think that you're only interested in sex or that you're a pervert. So, avoid going too far with your jokes and keep them light and friendly.

Tip #4: Avoid personal jokes. Personal jokes are jokes that are based on your own experiences or opinions that might not be shared by your date. They might be funny to you, but they might not be funny to him or they might even offend him or hurt his feelings. For example, don't say things like "I hate cats, they're so annoying and smelly." or "I love pineapple on pizza, it's the best thing ever." or "I'm an atheist, I don't believe in any god or religion." That's just insensitive and disrespectful, and it will make your date feel like you don't care about his preferences or beliefs. So, avoid personal jokes and try to find common ground with him.

Tip #5: Avoid evil jokes about third people. Evil jokes are jokes that are meant to mock or ridicule someone else who is not present. They might be funny to you and your friends, but they might not be funny to your date or they might even make him lose respect for you. For example, don't say things like "Did you see that girl over there? She's so fat and ugly." or "Did you hear about that guy who got fired? He's such a loser." or "Did you watch that show last night? It was so stupid and boring." That's just cruel and mean-spirited, and it will make your date think that you're a bully or a snob. So, avoid evil jokes about third people and be more kind and compassionate.

So, there you have it! Five humor mistakes to avoid on your first date with your crush. Remember, humor is a great way to break the ice and connect with someone, but only if it's done right. So, be careful with your jokes and make sure they're appropriate and respectful. And most importantly, have fun! Good luck!












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